Talk to Our Experts: 18001035606
Talk to Our Experts: 18001035606
The maximum security fingerprint safe provides you with security and the convenience of easy opening using your fingerprint and the ability to store up to 100 fingerprints.
Secure and quick access: Enjoy the convenience of easy opening thanks to the built-in fingerprint sensor and keep your belongings safe. Store up to 100 fingerprints.
Modern design to suit your home: Plus modern functions such as fingerprint access, automatic door opening and LCD keypad display for quick access. You can also keep your things organised with internal hooks and an internal light to clearly display your belongings.
Enhanced security for total peace of mind: The safes come with motorised locking mechanism with two anti-saw locking bolts (20mm) and laser-cut door for protection against all attacks.
Flexibility: You can now choose how to protect your belongings either by fingerprint, pin code or mechanical key to open the safe.
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